The D-Day landing went well, now the 4th Special Service Brigade and XXX Armoured Corp are under orders from Monty to take out Hill 112 which is still hampering the reinforcement landings on the Beachhead.
41, and 43 RM commando led by Lord Lovat himself formed the Infantry Spearhead, with support from RM Armoured Division in the form of 2 platoons of Sherman III's and Firefly's and Royal Artillery Support from the RHA. Almost forgetting the Were too busy drinking Tea RAF Support.
Accompanied by a Division of Armour from the Infamous 7th Armoured Desert Rats.
Mission Was No retreat.
Germans Defending. 5000 points
British Attacking. 5000 points
Turn 1 saw the British Infantry Advance through the Cornfields. Calling in the RAF to bomb the 88 AA Battery. This turn they decided to turn up but the barn Door target was not big enough for them to hit.
Sherman Firefly scored some hits on the most forward Tiger 1E causing the German cowards to Bail out.
The Desert Rats Recce Platoon decided to try an outflanking manouveur causing a little concern on the German Left.
No reserves arrived.
The German Crew decided to return to the behemoth Tiger 1E and returned fire on the Sherman Platoons causing Zero casualties, the Panzer IV's moved up to offer some support to the 2 Lone Tigers sitting on the German Right.
The German Artillery Spotter decided to drop a barrage on the most Forward Sherman Platoon, causing the first Casualty in the form of the 2i/c for the canadian supporting Infantry.
Turn 2.
Saw the British Commandos Dig in on the Left to give LOS for the Sherman Firefly's. The most advanced Sherman Platoons moved forward with the 2 Fireflys on the edges of the Cornfields, yet again taking more pot shots at the Tiger 1E's in the Font Line yet again scoring a couple of hits but no damage done.
7h Armoured Desert rats decided to open up with their Fireflys on the Tigers on teh German right scoring a hit on both causing both tanks to Bail.
RAF failed to show the Tea was still brewing.
Royal Artillery decided to target the centre of the road ranging in on the Dug in Infantry which they somehow managed to survive.
No reserves arrived.
German crew got back into the Tigers and took revenge on the narest Sherman Platoon suffering 2 casualties. One Tiger 1E platoon revealed itself from Ambush taking on the Honey Stuart Recce platoon casuing a measly one casualty on a light tank from an 88 barrel !!!!
Turn 3
RAF Strike call arrived with a full flight targeting the 8.8 AA Guns. Amazingly they managed to destroy one after dodging the AA fire.
All British Armour advanced, British Infantry advanced. The Sherman platoon passed morale checks and took revenge on the Panzer IV's taking out the whole platoon in one fell swoop.
Motorised Infantry on the British right advanced and unloaded its troops ready for an assault.
Canadian Infantry assaulted the Panzer grenadiers dug into the trenches causing them to flee.
German reserves showed up in the form of 2 more Tiger 1E platoons.
Honey Stuart recce platoon was no more thanks to some Tiger 1E precision firing.
The remaining Tiger 1E took revenge on the Sherman firefly.
STUKA Strike called on the 25pounder battery, the RAF failed to Intercept and all AA guns failed to hit the STUKA, one transport tractor destroyed.
The reserves advanced up the centre of the board to offer fire support to the threatened objective.
Artillery called down on a Firefly causing 2 Cromwells either side to go BOOM but the remaining firefly remained unscathed with its crew cowering under the hull for cover.
Turn 4
British forces raced up the road to try and force the German occupying force from the Objective.
A panzer Grenadier platoon was wiped out during this assault from a combination of Recce carrier fire and assault from the Motorised Infantry. On teh Right the canadians attempted to assault the Panzergrenadiers but ended up pinned from defensive fire.
A double template of Artillery was brought down on the Massed Tiger 1E's on the Road causing 4 to Bail. RAF flight was intercepted and shot down by the STUKA!!!!
Tiger crew remounted and plastered the cromwells milling on the road.
Time had run out and a draw was called.
German Losses
2 Platoons
British Losses
3 Platoon
The scenario ended in a draw.
Britsh VP's - 3
German VP's - 4
Some editing problems has caused a paragraph from turn 3 to end up at the end.