The Advances of the British had previoulsy been stunted by the German SS Panzer Divisions.
The Germans Setup
The Hated 88's.
The British Set up
Elements of the 7th Armoured Desert Rats, would they live up to the reputation?
X & Y troop of 41 RM commando readying the fairbank Sykes Knifes for the Assault.
Turn 1
British Advance towards the German Lines, the Naval Spotter pegged it backwards to get a better position for Naval Gun Support. The 25 pounders lay down smoke covering the right side of the British advance temporary reprieve of being targeted.
German reserves 1 unit turns up from the start a Tiger 1E platoon makes an Appearance.
German air support is called and is surprise surprise shot down by the British RAF (Hurrah the giant pot of Tea was still brewing). Some jostling for positioning for clear LOS for shots at the dreaded Sherman firefly and M10C 17 pounder Tank Hunters. No Casualties resulted from this initial encounter.
Turn 2
Further Advances made by the Armour and Infantry of the British, the commando units had managed to get to within range to shoot and assault on the next turn. The Fireflys and M10C's had no luck punching through the thick armour of the Tiger 1E's.
Artillery called in on the German 88's and BOOM went one to Joyous cries of the advancing armour.
German reserves failed to find the way to Hill 112 claiming that the bloody woman was doing the map reading. Panzer IV's appeared from Ambush taking on a much hated Firefly and Sherman Platoon causing 3 to bail out.
Tiger 1E's opened fire on the 7th Armoured inflicting a few casualties in the Armour. An Artillery barrage called down on the M10 Tank hunters causing 1 Casualty.
Turn 3
The British further advanced within striking range of taking one heavily defended objective.
NGFS Observer for the Naval Guns had found an advantageous position and called down fire onto a Tiger with the Germans suffering their second Loss of the Formidable Tiger 1E.
The cromwell platoon of the 7th Armoured advanced onto the german Artillery causing mayhem and panic by destroying 3 of the heavy guns. Artillery and Mortar strikes called down on the remaining 88 and went BOOM with the remaining spotter and command doing a runner. The Infantry at last saw some action firing and assaulting the Pioneers clearing the trenches and taking the prepared positions.
Germans rolled for reserves and the remaining tiger units entered play.
Stuka support called and duely intercepted by the RAF (clearly they were on orders from on up high) The panzer IV and Tigers on the right decided to attempt to make the Sherman Platoon on the german left pay and duely destroyed 2 tanks and bailed one(but not the much loathed Firefly) Wittman decided to spring his Ambush on the Marauding Cromwells and blew them to Timbuktoo. The remaining M10C was targeted by another platoon of Tigers and sent to the graveyard. Several 7th Armoured platoons took casualties but morale held out and stayed the course so far. Tiger 1E fell victim to sa counter charge from the X troop of 41 Commandos.
Turn 4
RAF called for and turned up with 2 planes to target some Tigers. Instead they decided to go sight seeing over Calais. Armour and infantry moved into assaulting positions in several places in an attempt to overwhelm the german defenses on the Objective. The SS divisions managed to fend of the attack sending the 7th Armoured packing withdrawing from the field after losing its Commander and Platoon. It was left to the Infantry to try and Arty to try and salvage the Mission.
German reserves turned up in full. Stuka support called and duely shot down.
the reamining Artillery battery took some pot shots at the Infantry massing in the middle of the board causing several casualties. Some more jostling for position on the table by the Panzers and Tigers was carrried out.
Turn 5
IT ALL WENT SO WRONG FOR THE BRITISH. The commandos assaulted the Tigers with 2 the remains of 2 platoons being wiped out by defensive machine gun fire. The Naval guns bailed one Tiger just before the assualt.
END game for the British as they had nothing left to take out the remaining tigers and both Objectives were well covered.
British Losses - Lost Count
German Losses -
88 Battery
3 Arty Heavy guns
4 Tiger 1E's (out of 10)
1 Panzer IV
German Stunning Victory
British VP's 4
German VP's 10
Monty has ordered the 7th Armoured to grow some backbone and are to circumnavigate Hill 112 surrounding the stronghold and cutting off the German forces.